Comedian/actor Patton Oswalt is a funny man, who once semi-famously labeled KFC's Famous Bowl as a "failure pile in a sadness bowl." His bit was funny, but Mr. Funny Man had to know he was painting himself into a Kentucky fried corner, and would one day have to stare down the inexplicably popular pile.
Well, the day arrived in early 2008 via an AV Club Taste Test. The results were, if not epic, very funny.
Case in point:
KFC calls it their version of the shepherd's pie. Shepherds in Kentucky must be full of rage and slathered in confusion. They must hang their fat, skin, and muscles from bones carved with runes of surrender.
The cheese had congealed. Even in the heat and steam of the covered Famous Bowl, it had congealed. I stabbed it with the tines of my spork and it all came up in one piece. I nibbled an edge, had a vision of a crying Dutch farmer, and put it down.
Oswalt is a great writer, and several more examples can be found at his site. He also just had a movie — Big Fan — in Sundance that I want to see. It's about an obsessed New York Giants fan, featuring Michael Rapaport as an obsessed Eagles fan. Rapaport as a Birds fan could go either way, frankly, but I still want to see it.
Oh yeah (SPOILER), Oswalt did not die eating the Famous Bowl. Not yet, anyway.
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