Fervent fanboy/girl spawner Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy and Firefly/Serenity and writer of the great first Astonishing X-Men arc, has a new show called Dollhouse set to start Feb. 13 on Fox.
What's that? You remember hearing Dollhouse was one of the highly expected new shows set for last fall's lineup? Yep. Apparently there's been quite a few hold-ups, including a reshooting of the pilot episode.
If that doesn't sound encouraging, it may well not be. But Whedon, on his Web site, gives what reads like a pretty honest and revealing look at what's held up the show and his dealings with Fox.
They're not wrong. Oh, we don't see eye-to-eye on everything, but wanting the first episodes to be exciting and accessible is not exactly Satanic. Being Satan is, but that's in their free time and hey, there's no judging in the Dollhouse. This kind of back and forth has happened on every show I've done, so if you liked those, chances are that was a part of why. And the need to focus on the essentials of what makes this universe tick - and which wire to cut to make it stop - really does bring up our game.
I'm not a Whedon fanboy — I thought his Astonishing X-Men run and Serenity were really good, but could care less about Buffy and Angel, etc. So I really had no interest in this show before reading this post.
Having read it I'm sort of intrigued, though. Plus, he's talking up the work of Reed Diamond, an alum of one of my all-time favorite shows, Homicide: Life on the Street, so I figure it's worth a look.
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